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Meteors on the Moon
Well whoever thought learning was mess-free was wrong. The Middle Room got their hands and almost everything else, quite messy when we...

Autumnal Exploration- Curraghchase Nature Trail
Our school embarked on a nature walk to Curraghchase. From start to finish it was a fantastic day. What better way to learn about...

Drumming for Banogue!
We discovered our new talents with this amazing music class. All these drums came to our Halla and we each had an opportunity to learn to...

Celtic Knots
The school begin to prepare for Seachtain na Gaeilge with these wonderful celtic knots. We learned how to draw them and colour them. Tá...

Active Learning in Maths
In First and Second Class we love maths. Counting, using 3D shapes, rolling the dice and having fun with numbers is a great way to learn....

Our School Open Night
We welcomed prospective students and parents to our school this February. The boys and girls were a pleasure to meet. They were greeted...

Junior Scientists
Geoff Hunt visited the Junior Room with an exciting scientific tool, a microsope. The children examined daisies through the microscopic...

Geoff Hunt
Geoff Hunt paid the school an exciting visit this March. The students took a spring walk around the school area to discover, to their...
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